4 Nov/20
17:00 - 19:00 (Europe/Zürich)

Application of Quantum Machine Learning to High Energy Physics Analysis at LHC using Quantum Computer Simulators and Quantum Computer Hardware

Machine learning enjoys widespread success in High Energy Physics (HEP) analysis at LHC. However the ambitious HL-LHC program will require much more computing resources in the next two decades. Quantum computing may offer speed-up for HEP physics analysis at HL-LHC, and can be a new computational paradigm for big data analysis in High Energy Physics.

We will present our experiences and results of a study on LHC High Energy Physics data analysis with IBM Quantum Simulator and Quantum Hardware (using IBM Qiskit framework), Google Quantum Simulator (using Google Cirq framework), and Amazon Quantum Simulator (using Amazon Braket cloud service). The work is in the context of a Qubit platform.

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