The QTI is actively looking for partners to embark in co-development projects. Through the establishment of such collaborations, we aim to bring together complementary expertise, facilities and technologies from a variety of public and private partners. The objective is to foster innovation, address existing technical challenges and explore new use cases of quantum technologies.

We aim to bridge the gap between the quantum technology and particle physics communities. Our objective is to explore how emerging technologies can enable new research in particle physics, and in doing so provide appealing use-cases for the quantum industry in the (Associated) Member States and beyond. Conversely, we seek to engage with external partners to identify applications of CERN’s know-how (in many cases classical technologies providing enabling solutions) in the field of quantum.

CERN offers its profound experience in many technical areas and can act as a neutral broker fostering collaboration between different stakeholders, triggering the momentum necessary to establish European initiatives.

Partnerships can focus on delivering core objectives of the three technical Centres of Competence or go well beyond, identifying entirely new opportunities. The Centre of Competence “Collaboration for Impact” is coordinated by the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group, that engages with you to create opportunities for the transfer of CERN’s technology and know-how.

Some current topics are:

  • Setting up a demonstrator of SRF Cavities for quantum computers
  • Developing quantum machine learning algorithms for HEP and other applications            
  • Exploring the use of WR for the control plane of quantum computers
  • Exploring the effect of radiation on qubits


The Open Quantum Institute (OQI), now hosted at CERN for its pilot phase, forms part of QTI and builds on QTI's mission to explore the full potential of quantum technologies and to maximise their societal impact. Find out more about OQI at


Do not hesitate to reach out to explore opportunities to team up with CERN and develop quantum technologies together.


Simply contact us at: