As an international multidisciplinary scientific research centre, CERN works closely with academia and industry to advance and share knowledge across communities and to promote broader discussions about the development and use of quantum technologies for science and society.

In direct collaboration with existing CERN structures, such as the Knowledge Transfer GroupCERN openlab, or IdeaSquare, CERN QTI already engages with experts in science, technology and industry to advance expertise and technologies in unique areas such as applied quantum algorithms, quantum state sensors, cryogenics, electronics, computing networks, optical devices and photon sources. 

Building on current joint investigations and projects, further collaboration opportunities are actively been explored, to help drive innovation, build bridges across different communities and enable an efficient transfer of knowledge from research to industry.  

Find out more about different ways to engage with us below:

The CERN Knowledge Transfer
The KT group takes an active part in CERN QTI, overseeing the identification of CERN technologies that can be used in quantum technologies applications, the management of IP, and the setup of appropriate conditions for technology transfer activities between CERN and third-party entities.
CERN openlab

CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership, through which CERN collaborates with leading technology companies and other research organisations. In 2018, CERN openlab started a number of projects in quantum computing that are at different stages of realisation. These projects feed into the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative.

IdeaSquare is the innovation space at CERN using collaborative methodologies, access to CERN expertise and cross-connectivity to ideate solutions for the future of humankind.