CERN QTI announces new seminar series




One of the supporting goals of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative is to raise public awareness and understanding of the science and technology involved, as well as to contribute to the training and education of young researchers in the field. This was already laid out during one of the interventions at the QTI Community Workshop held at CERN last year.

As a natural follow-up, a new series of technical dissemination events, the "CERN QTI Colloquia",  has been set up to address the education and outreach component. It is foreseen to take place on a regular basis, with presentations covering four key QT areas: Quantum Computing, Theory and Simulation, Sensing, Metrology and Materials, Communication and Networks.

The first talk will be on quantum sensors, offered by Oliver Buchmuller from the Imperial College London. It will take place next Wednesday in a hybrid format:

Quantum sensors for the AION experiment
by Oliver Buchmuller, Imperial College/GB

Wednesday, April 6 @11:00 - Main Auditorium and Zoom broadcast

The presentation is open to anybody interested. Further information including the pointer to the Zoom details may be found at: