Physics and high-energy physics are considered areas where quantum devices could make a difference in simulating complex dynamic interaction or multi-body systems.

Many classes of problems used in chemistry, condensed-matter physics or high-energy physics can be simulated through well-controlled quantum systems. In high-energy physics, quite a few possible applications have been investigated in recent years, especially in the context of gauge theories and their applications to dynamic problems (e.g. heavy-ion collisions), topological problems (e.g. CP violation), or high-baryon density configurations (e.g. modelling of neutron stars).

One possible approach is to design simulation strategies that apply different techniques, a mix of classic and quantum methods, to different parts of the problems and focus the attention on those areas that are computationally intractable using standard techniques. An example of this approach is the application of quantum circuits to describe the quantum properties of parton showers as a complementary technique to more classical Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.

Many aspects of quantum devices can be understood rigorously using tools already well established in theoretical particle physics. By bringing together theoretical and experimental expertise, CERN can act as a catalyst for breakthroughs in quantum technologies and capitalise on expertise in the CERN Theory Department (CERN-TH).




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