
Quantum simulation, control and calibration using Qibo


This lecture is organised as part of the CERN QTI online lecture series.

In this talk, the latest developments of Qibo, a full-stack and open-source framework for quantum computing, will be presented.

Qibo was initially born as a quantum circuit simulation tool, but over time new packages were

Start date
10 May, 2023

Quantum simulation, control and calibration using Qibo

Start date
10 May, 2023

Ab-initio two-dimensional digital twin for quantum computer benchmarking


This lecture is organised as part of the CERN QTI online lecture series.

Large-scale numerical simulations of the Hamiltonian dynamics of a Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computer - a digital twin - could play a major role in developing efficient and scalable strategies for tuning quantum

Start date
19 April, 2023

Ab-initio two-dimensional digital twin for quantum computer benchmarking

Start date
19 April, 2023

Stochastic quantum simulations for scattering experiments


This lecture is organised as part of the CERN QTI online lecture series.

Simulating many-body quantum systems is a promising task for quantum computers. However, early fault-tolerant devices are not expected to correct arbitrary amounts of error, making the quest for better algorithms an important

Start date
05 April, 2023

Stochastic quantum simulations for scattering experiments

Start date
05 April, 2023

On the construction of useful quantum kernels


This lecture is organised as part of the CERN QTI online lecture series.

The representation of data is of paramount importance for machine learning methods. Kernel methods are used to enrich the feature representation, allowing better generalisation. Quantum kernels implement efficiently complex

Start date
29 March, 2023

On the construction of useful quantum kernels

Start date
29 March, 2023

Classical Splitting of Parametrized Quantum Circuits


This lecture is organised as part of the CERN QTI online lecture series.

In this talk, we will dive into the topic of barren plateaus and investigate a new method to avoid them. Barren plateaus appear to be a major obstacle for using variational quantum algorithms to simulate large-scale quantum

Start date
15 March, 2023

Classical Splitting of Parametrized Quantum Circuits

Start date
15 March, 2023

Noisy gates approach for simulating quantum computers


This lecture is organised as part of the CERN QTI online lecture series.

In this seminar, the speakers present a novel method for simulating the noisy behavior of quantum computers, which allows to efficiently incorporate environmental effects in the driven evolution implementing the gates on the

Start date
01 March, 2023

Noisy gates approach for simulating quantum computers

Start date
01 March, 2023